going abroad for studiesgoing abroad for studies

Going abroad for studies is a life-changing decision that opens doors to new cultures, perspectives, and personal growth. By immersing yourself in an international academic environment, you gain invaluable experiences and expand your horizons. In this guide, we will provide you with essential tips and insights to navigate the process of going abroad for studies, as well as highlight some of the top free universities in the world where you can pursue your educational aspirations.

What do Do Before Going Abroad for Studies

Research and Planning:

Before diving into the exciting world of studying abroad, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research and plan effectively. Start by exploring different countries and universities that align with your academic goals and interests. Consider factors such as the quality of education, language requirements, cultural compatibility, and available scholarships or funding opportunities.

Choosing the Right University:

Selecting the right university is a crucial step in your study abroad journey. Look for institutions that offer programs in your desired field of study and have a strong reputation for academic excellence. Keep in mind that some universities offer free or low-cost tuition fees for international students, making them an attractive option.

Scholarships and Financial Aid:

Finances play a significant role when going abroad for studies. Fortunately, there are numerous scholarships, grants, and financial aid options available to support international students. Research and apply for scholarships that cater specifically to your country of origin, academic achievements, or field of study. Utilize online platforms and resources to explore funding opportunities that can alleviate the financial burden.

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Application Process:

Navigating the application process can be complex, but with careful planning and attention to detail, it becomes manageable. Start early to gather all necessary documents, including academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and language proficiency test scores. Follow the application guidelines provided by the university and submit your application well before the deadline.

Visa and Travel Arrangements:

Once you receive an acceptance letter, it’s time to focus on visa and travel arrangements. Research the visa requirements of your chosen destination and initiate the application process as early as possible. Familiarize yourself with the necessary documentation and seek guidance from the respective embassy or consulate. Additionally, make travel arrangements, including booking flights and finding suitable accommodation.

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Top Free Universities in the World You Can Go Abroad To Study

You intend going abroad for studies but you lack the financial muscle to finance it? Here are top universities in the word where you can study for free:

  1. University of Oslo, Norway
  2. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
  3. University of Helsinki, Finland
  4. University of Vienna, Austria
  5. University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  6. Technical University of Munich, Germany
  7. Lund University, Sweden
  8. Aalto University, Finland
  9. University of Bergen, Norway
  10. University of Zurich, Switzerland

Profile of the Universities

  1. University of Oslo, Norway:

  • Profile: The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and largest university, renowned for its academic excellence and extensive research activities. It offers a wide range of programs across various faculties.
  • Admission Requirements: Admission requirements vary based on the program. Typically, they include meeting academic prerequisites and providing proof of language proficiency.
  • Scholarship Opportunity: The University of Oslo provides several scholarship options for both domestic and international students. These include the Norwegian government scholarships, Erasmus+ scholarships, and more.
  • Official Website: https://www.uio.no/english/
  1. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany:

  • Profile: The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich is a prestigious institution known for its outstanding research and teaching quality. It offers a comprehensive range of programs in various fields.
  • Admission Requirements: Admission requirements differ for each program, but generally, applicants need to meet academic prerequisites and provide language proficiency certificates.
  • Scholarship Opportunity: The university offers numerous scholarships, including the LMU Scholarship for International Students, DAAD scholarships, and various faculty-specific scholarships.
  • Official Website: https://www.en.uni-muenchen.de/index.html
  1. University of Helsinki, Finland:

  • Profile: The University of Helsinki is a leading research university known for its academic excellence and vibrant campus life. It offers a wide array of programs in multiple disciplines.
  • Admission Requirements: Specific admission requirements depend on the program, but they typically involve meeting academic criteria and demonstrating language proficiency.
  • Scholarship Opportunity: The university provides several scholarships for international students, such as the University of Helsinki Scholarship Pool and country-specific scholarships.
  • Official Website: https://www.helsinki.fi/en

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  1. University of Vienna, Austria:

  • Profile: Founded in 1365, the University of Vienna is one of Europe’s oldest and largest universities. It offers a comprehensive range of programs and has a rich academic heritage.
  • Admission Requirements: Admission requirements vary across programs. Generally, applicants must meet academic prerequisites and demonstrate language proficiency.
  • Scholarship Opportunity: The university offers various scholarships, including the Austrian government scholarships, scholarships for specific countries, and faculty-specific scholarships.
  • Official Website: https://www.univie.ac.at/en/
  1. University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg:

  • Profile: The University of Luxembourg is a young and dynamic institution known for its high-quality education and research programs. It offers a diverse range of programs across different fields.
  • Admission Requirements: Admission requirements vary based on the program. Generally, applicants must meet academic prerequisites and provide language proficiency proof.
  • Scholarship Opportunity: The university provides scholarships for both domestic and international students, including the Ministry of Higher Education and Research Scholarships.
  • Official Website: https://wwwen.uni.lu/
  1. Technical University of Munich, Germany:

  • Profile: The Technical University of Munich is renowned for its excellence in engineering, natural sciences, and technology-related disciplines. It offers a comprehensive range of programs.
  • Admission Requirements: Admission requirements differ depending on the program. Generally, applicants need to meet academic prerequisites and demonstrate language proficiency.
  • Scholarship Opportunity: The university offers various scholarships, including the Deutschlandstipendium, Bavarian Government Scholarships, and scholarships by foundations and organizations.
  • Official Website: https://www.tum.de/en/
  1. Lund University, Sweden:

  • Profile: Lund University is one of Sweden’s top universities, known for its research-intensive programs and international outlook. It offers a wide range of programs across multiple disciplines.
  • Admission Requirements: Admission requirements vary by program. Typically, applicants must meet academic criteria and demonstrate language proficiency.
  • Scholarship Opportunity: Lund University provides scholarships for international students, such as the Lund University Global Scholarship, Swedish Institute Scholarships, and faculty-specific scholarships.
  • Official Website: https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/
  1. Aalto University, Finland:

  • Profile: Aalto University is a multidisciplinary university focusing on science, technology, business, and arts. It emphasizes innovation, entrepreneurship, and creative problem-solving.
  • Admission Requirements: Admission requirements differ based on the program. Generally, applicants need to meet academic prerequisites and demonstrate language proficiency.
  • Scholarship Opportunity: Aalto University offers various scholarships, including the Aalto University Scholarship program, Finnish government scholarships, and scholarships by foundations and organizations.
  • Official Website: https://www.aalto.fi/
  1. University of Bergen, Norway:

  • Profile: The University of Bergen is a leading research university in Norway, offering a broad range of academic programs. It is known for its interdisciplinary approach and societal impact.
  • Admission Requirements: Admission requirements vary depending on the program. Applicants typically need to meet academic prerequisites and demonstrate language proficiency.
  • Scholarship Opportunity: The university offers scholarships, including the Norwegian government scholarships, Erasmus+ scholarships, and faculty-specific scholarships.
  • Official Website: https://www.uib.no/en

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  1. University of Zurich, Switzerland:

  • Profile: The University of Zurich is one of Switzerland’s most prestigious universities, renowned for its academic excellence and research contributions. It offers diverse programs across various disciplines.
  • Admission Requirements: Admission requirements vary based on the program. Generally, applicants need to meet academic prerequisites and demonstrate language proficiency.
  • Scholarship Opportunity: The university provides scholarships for international students, including the University Research Priority Program scholarships and scholarships from foundations and organizations.
  • Official Website: https://www.uzh.ch/en.html

Please note that admission requirements and scholarship availability may vary based on the program and specific circumstances. It is recommended to visit the official websites of each university for detailed and up-to-date information on admission procedures, requirements, and scholarship opportunities.


Going abroad for studies is an incredible opportunity for personal, academic, and cultural growth. By following this guide and considering the suggested top free universities, you can take the first step towards an enriching and fulfilling educational experience. Embrace the adventure, broaden your horizons, and embark on a transformative journey that will shape your future in remarkable ways.

Note: For detailed information about admission requirements, specific programs, and application deadlines, please visit the official websites of the respective universities and consult reliable sources.

By GoAbroadFree Team

Go Abroad Team is consistently Inspiring global learners to go beyond borders and embrace transformative study abroad experiences. The Team is composed of passionate experts guiding you to unlock your potential, broaden horizons, and make unforgettable memories while pursuing academic excellence worldwide. Join us on this extraordinary journey.

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